Sunday, September 21, 2008

Living Room Portrait

Sunday morning seems to be the day I can get family portraits as my girls consider themselves "decent". This give me a chance to play with off camera lighting and general lighting set ups.
This is a photo of my wife using the venetian blinds as a backdrop. The sun was shining directly on the window and I used an SB-24 into a silver umbrella.
Below you can see my set up.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Blog Entry #2

This is an attempt to blog and send a photo.

1st MacJournal Entry

I’m just making an entry so I can test the functionality of the MacJournal application.
This is a photo of a drawing my six year old nephew made while I visited at the beginning of the month. Kyle Walker is destined to be an incredible artist as a matter of fact, he already is.
Here is a photo of one of his drawings.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Take More Photos

I returned to photography a couple years ago, taking mostly family snaps. I had a Nikon D50 with various lenses and a couple flashes. Well, after toting around all that gear, I found it better to leave the equipment at home than carry all that gear.
Enter the Canon G9. Hopefully this will be the camera that will be there when I need it.
Small enough to fit in a pocket, handy enough to have at all times. Quality 12 MP file, 35-210mm, 2.8-8.0, Video recording capability, Audio recording, 3stop ND filter. All the tools available, now all I have to do is produce quality shots.
No more excuses. Look for wonderful shots out of this G9.
Here is a look from the D50.